brownie cameras - part 2


Baby Brownie Special

This is one of the best examples of the Brownie cameras in Phil’s collection.

This camera is also one of the models highlighted in the Smithsonian camera collection:


Brownie Hawkeye

This model is another example from the series of cameras made from bakelite. 

It was designed by Walter Dorwin Teague, and is included in Phil’s book, Made in USA.

Brownie Bullet Camera
Introduced in 1957

The body of this model is constructed from bakelite. . Several historians describe this little camera as a promotional item, produced for various companies’ marketing campaigns. 

The earlier, sleek, small and beautiful Bullets, which were designed by  Walter Dorwin Teague, were not branded as Brownies. A number of these were also included in Phil’s collection. 

Brownie Starlet

The Starlet was one of the first that featured a plastic body.



Brownie Starmite

The model was one of the first to introduce a built-in flash featur


Brownie Super 27

Brownie camera

The interesting thing about this model is that it’s not a Kodak Brownie: The “Girl Scout Camera for Brownie Scouts” was a rebranded version of the Imperial Mark XII by Chicago camera maker Herbert George.  

The Vintage Girl Scout Online Museum shows it sold for $3.95, which is not nearly as surprising as the long history of cameras branded for Scouts.