polaroid cameras


Polaroid Land Camera Model 150
c 1957:

One of the original series of folding instant-film cameras




Polaroid 250 Automatic Land Camera

A higher-end version of the series that started with the 100 model. It came with a high-quality lens and viewfinder and a tripod mount.


Polaroid SX-70
c 1973:

This favored camera featured innovations including the first folding instant camera; sonar focusing; a collapsible lens served by unusual mirrors to project the image into the eyepiece; and gelatinous film that not only popped out of the camera but could be manipulated by photographers hours or even days after shooting. Polaroid still refurbishes these iconic cameras. Phil’s two examples are now in the hands of professional photographers who were friends. The Cooper-Hewitt Design Museum of the Smithsonian featured the SX-70 in the 2018 exhibit Bob Greenberg Selects.


Polaroid SLR 680

Polaroid says this is the best camera it ever made and still refurbishes them, often for use by professional photographers. Sonar-focused SLR.





Polaroid Captiva SLR

Unusual method of opening, this camera shot 500 film. Camera wikis put it in the same class as the later PopShots and JoyCam




Polaroid instant PopShots

The world’s first single-use camera pre-loaded with 10 shots and a bag to return the camera for processing. Novelty and other new models came raining down from Polaroid during this era.






Polaroid JoyCam

The battery power came in the (expensive) film pack. Polaroidland.net explains the company’s dubious new-product blitz: a new chairman.


Polaroid i-Zone

Toy manufacturer Tomy originally made this simple camera with tiny prints, often used by kids. This is the second generation, the i-Zone Convertible, and a subsequent one was part camera, part radio. A variety of film was sold, including stick-on and decorated versions.






Polaroid mio

Based on a Fuji Instax camera. It won a silver award in the 2003 Industrial Design Excellence Awards (IDEA). The camera was subsequently rebranded and sold by Fujifilm.


Polaroid One

One of the last using 600 film – the same size as used in the iconic SX-70 but with a different sensitivity.
